Monday, March 8, 2010

the dark corner

'Nothing about you moves me'
is what he said one day
and I choose to remember that and not
that he'd also said
there's a lot of goodness in me -

From that I remember
him describing goodness in other people
I feel as if something escapes from inside me
looks for a little dark corner somewhere
and hides
so the glare from the brightness being described
doesn't blind
doesn't hurt
even as it outshines
my defeated self...

I know this is not what he meant to do
And I know this is not how I ought to understand
He states, because he sees
he sees and he feels
and an expression of truth of a moment
or an eternity
is just that - that it is -
an expression of truth
I understand -

But I do not come out
of that little dark corner
as I hope he sees - a light in me -


And then one day, she shone so bright
that there was no dark corner at all
secretly she had learned to talk to the light inside
and that was hers to call...

Nothing about you moves me -
She remembered -
Nothing about him moved her either, it never had -
Except - that he WAS
and that she 'loved'
Everything else
with the dark corner!