Sunday, March 21, 2010

The same universe

It is peaceful.
You and I are a part of the same universe and merge in the same universe
You and I are therefore not separate.
I do not need to reach out to you and you do not need to find me.
We exist in the same being,
take the same breath
breathe the same life.

Somewhere there is the feeling of a twinge,
a sudden sharp pain, except, that it is neither sudden nor sharp.
I acknowledge it, but I cannot assign meaning to it.
I realize it is the pain of stepping 'out'
of the collective consciousness.
It is the pain of 'need' and 'want' and 'do not have'
It is the pain of 'cannot love' or 'cannot be loved' or both

(Inside, it was just love -
You and I were a part of the same universe
and merged in the same universe.)