Monday, March 8, 2010


I began writing this for my 1.25 yr old niece Tia, but I think I ended it writing to to myself and everyone else! Most of our lives follow patterns of loss and changes we are unprepared for... I look at Tia, howling away to glory one moment and distracted by a toy, a song, a chocolate in the next, she had lost something, she was hurt, bruised even and then, she just got up from between bitter tears and found something else! God bless her ability to do so, may God minimize her tears and multiply her happinesses... and I think.... where and when did I lose my ability to find that 'something else'?

Thank you little one, this ones for you.:)

So you did not get what you wanted
That toy, that time,
that outing, sunshine...

The little bird you ran after little girl
flew away and you cried
That puzzle that day that broke - didn't fix
God knows, you tried

And you fell and got hurt
And there was a bump and it was blue
and you'll fall a million more times little girl
And this too, is true....

Know love and know always
no matter what it is
there will always be something else
it is never 'just this'

so in streams of tears there will be smiles
but since you are crying you wont, accept them at once
but you'll giggle and laugh and be all new again
if you are will to take it, there will always be a chance...